Thursday, 16 August 2012

Building a Data Template

What is a Data Template?

The Oracle XML Publisher data engine enables you to rapidly generate any kind of XML data structure against any database in a scalable, efficient manner. The data template is the method by which you communicate your request for data to the data engine. It is an XML document whose elements collectively define how the data engine will process the template to generate the XML.

What Functionality is Supported?

The data engine supports the following functionality:
       Schema generation
       Default RTF template generation
       Single and multiple data queries
       Query links
       Aggregate functions (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT)
       Event triggers
       Multiple data groups
       Unicode for XML Output
                Unicode is a global character set that allows multilingual text to be displayed in a single application. This enables you to develop a single multilingual application and deploy it worldwide.
       Canonical format
                The data engine generates date elements using the canonical ISO date format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS.FF3TZH:TZM for a mapped date element, and ######.## for number elements in the data template XML output.

Report Migration

The data template is an XML document that consists of four basic sections.

As shown in the sample figure, the data template consists of a <parameters> section in which parameters are declared in child <parameter> elements; a <dataQuery> section in which the SQL queries are defined in child <sqlStatement> elements; and a <dataStructure> section in which the output XML structure is defined.
dataTemplet                      Required

parameters                        Consists of one or more <parameter> elements

parameter                          the parameter name that will be referenced in the template

lexicals                  Consists of one or more lexical elements to support flexfields

lexical                    4 types – KFF segments, KFF, KFF where, and KFF order by

dataQuery                          Consists of one or more sqlstatement elements

sqlstatement                     a query

link                                         the SQL operator that defines the parent-child relationship

dataTrigger                         the trigger and the event that it fires on

dataStructure    Required for multiple queries

group                    Consists of one or more <element> elements and sub <group>
element                               the tag name to assign the element in the XML data output

Data Template Structure

Data Template Declaration

Define Parameters

How to Pass Parameters
To pass parameters, (for example, to restrict the query), use bind variables in your query. For example:
SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE deptno=:department At runtime, the value of department is passed to the query:

Define Queries

If your column names are not unique, you must use aliases in your SELECT statements to ensure the uniqueness of your column names. If you do not use an alias, then the default column name is used. This becomes important when you specify the XML output in the dataStructure section. To specify an output XML element from your query you declare a value attribute for the element tag that corresponds to the source column.
Tip: Performing operations in SQL is faster than performing them in the data template or PL/SQL. It is recommended that you use SQL for the following operations:
          Use a WHERE clause instead of a group filter to exclude records.
          Perform calculations directly in your query rather than in the template.
Lexical References
You can use lexical references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or HAVING. Use a lexical reference when you want the parameter to replace multiple values at runtime.
Create a lexical reference using the following syntax:
Define the lexical parameters as follows:
          Before creating your query, define a parameter in the PL/SQL default package for each lexical reference in the query. The data engine uses these values to replace the lexical parameters.
          Create your query containing lexical references.
For example:
Package employee
  where_clause varchar2(1000);
Package body employee
where_clause := 'where deptno=10';
Data template definition:
  <sqlstatement name="Q1">
    <![CDATA[SELECT ENAME, SAL FROM EMP &where_clause]]>

Define Data Links

 If you have multiple queries, you must link them to create the appropriate data output. In the data template, there are two methods for linking queries: using bind variables or using the <link> element to define the link between queries.
Tip: To maximize performance when building data queries in the data template:
XML Publisher tests have shown that using bind variables is more efficient than using the link tag.
The following example shows a query link using a bind variable:
  <sqlstatement name="Q1">
The <link> element has a set of attributes. Use these attributes to specify the required link information. You can specify any number of links. For example:
<link name="DEPTEMP_LINK" parentQuery="Q1" parentColumn="DEPTNO" childQuery="Q_2" childColumn="DEPARTMENTNO"/>

Data Triggers

Data triggers execute PL/SQL functions at specific times during the execution and generation of XML output. Using the conditional processing capabilities of PL/SQL for these triggers, you can do things such as perform initialization tasks and access the database.
Data triggers are optional, and you can have as many <dataTrigger> elements as necessary.
The <dataTrigger> element has a set of related attributes. These are expressed within the <dataTrigger> tag. For example, the name and source attributes are expressed as follows:
<dataTrigger name="beforeReport" source="employee.beforeReport()"/> <dataTrigger name="beforeReport" source="employee.beforeReport(:Parameter)"/>
The location of the trigger indicate at what point the trigger fires:
          Place a beforeReport trigger anywhere in your data template before the <dataStructure> section.. A beforeRepot trigger fires before the dataQuery is executed.
          Place an afterReport trigger after the <dataStructure> section. An afterReport trigger fires after you exit and after XML output has been generated.

The Data Structure Section

In the data structure section you define what the XML output will be and how it will be structured. You can do the following:
       Define a group hierarchy.
       Create break groups.
       Apply group filters.
       Create summary columns.

Flexfield Support

This applies to queries against an Oracle eBusiness Suite database. You create them as follows:
       Define the SELECT statement to use for the report data.
       Within the SELECT statement, define each flexfield as a lexical. Use the &LEXICAL_TAG to embed flexfield related lexicals into the SELECT statement.
       Define the flexfield-related lexicals using XML tags in the data template.

Data Query

How to define Queries:
        Uses <sqlStatement name=""> to define query
        Performing operations in SQL is faster than performing them in Data Template or PL/SQL. The following are the most common cases where using SQL would improve performance:
        Use a WHERE clause instead of a group filter to exclude records.
        Perform calculations directly in your query rather than in template

Example: Data Query

    <parameter name="p_DeptNo" dataType="character" />
   <sqlStatement name="Q1">
                                 from dept d, emp e
        where d.deptno=e.deptno
        AND d.deptno = nvl(:p_DeptNo,d.deptno)  ]]>

Linking Queries

Two ways of linking are supported
  1. Bind variables in your query
  2. Link element <link name="" ……../>
Performance Considerations
    “As far as our test shows that use bind PL/SQL variable   for detail query is more efficient to merge the two queries rather than build one single query out of that “
This might not apply to all cases.

Example: Link Query

Using Link tag
   <sqlStatement name="Q1">
            SELECT DEPTNO,DNAME,LOC from dept where &pwhereclause
            order by deptno    ]]>
  <sqlStatement name="Q2">
                     from EMP ]]>
 <link name="DEPTEMP_LINK" parentQuery="Q1" parentColumn="DEPTNO" childQuery="Q2" childColumn=“DEPTNO“condition="="/>

Data Triggers

Data Triggers can be used 
Ÿ  Perform initialization tasks
Ÿ  Allows to build dynamic  query
Data Triggers Types
Ÿ  beforeReport trigger: Fires before the dataQuery is executed .
Ÿ  afterReport   trigger  : Fires after you exit and after XML output has been generated
Example :-
<dataTrigger name="beforeReport" source="employee.beforeReport()"/>
<dataTrigger name="beforeReport" source="employee.beforeReport(:Parameter)"/>

Data Structure

Break groups
          Order By in SQL query should be set
Group filters
          WHERE clause Should be use instead of a group filter
Summary Column
          Sum, Average, Count, Maximum and Minimum
Example :-
<group name="G_DEPT" source="Q1" groupFilter="empdata.G_DEPTFilter(:DEPT_NUMBER)">
        <element name="DEPT_NUMBER" value="DEPTNO"  />
        <element name="DEPTSAL"     value="G_EMP.SALARY"  function="SUM()"/>
              <group name="G_EMP" source="Q2">
                <element name="EMPLOYEE_NUMBER" value="EMPNO" />
                <element name="NAME" value="ENAME"/>
                <element name="JOB" value="JOB" />
                <element name="SALARY" value="SAL"/>

Flexfield Support

Ÿ  Flexfield aware
Ÿ  Support all Flexfield features
      KFF related lexicals


Example: Flexfield Query

<dataTemplate ...
      <parameters ...

Easy and Quick to Build

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252" ?>
   <dataTemplate name=“Employees" description="Templat" version="1.0">
          <parameter name="Parameter1" dataType="character" defaultValue="Null"/>
          <parameter name="Parameter2" dataType="date" formatMask="DD/MM/YYYY"/>
          <sqlStatment name="Q1">
              <![CDATA[SELECT DEPTNO,DNAME,LOC from dept]]>
          <sqlStatment name="Q2">
                      from EMP
                     WHERE DEPTNO = :DEPTNO]]>
       <dataTrigger name="beforeReport" source="employee.beforeReport(:parameter1)"/>
           <group name="G_DEPT" source="Q1“ groupFilter="empdata.G_DEPTF(:parameter1)">
             <element name="DEPT_NUMBER" value="DEPTNO"  />
             <element name="DEPT_NAME"   value="DNAME"/>
             <element name="DEPTSAL"     value="G_EMP.SALARY" type="SUM()"/>
             <element name="LOCATION" value="LOC"  />
             <group name="G_EMP" source="Q2">
                 <element name="EMPLOYEE_NUMBER" value="EMPNO" />
                 <element name="NAME" value="ENAME"/>
                 <element name="JOB" value="JOB" />
                 <element name="MANAGER" value="MGR"/>
                 <element name= "HIREDATE" value="HIREDATE"/>
                 <element name="SALARY" value="SAL"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <Employees>
  - <G_DEPT>
- <G_EMP>
- <G_EMP>
-          <G_EMP>


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